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- done!
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- Final Assignment
- Final Project
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- Francie
- gab
- GCT 17
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- Getting to Know My DLSR+
- Getting to know my DSLR
- Getting to know your DSLR
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- Hannah Keehn
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- Harbeck.
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- October
- one minute
- one minute.
- Photo Dirty
- photo essay
- photo walk
- Photography
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- Photomerge SceneCleaner
- Photoshop
- Photoshop Assignment
- photoshop elements
- Photowalk
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- Portraits Part 2
- PostEdit
- r.h sin poetry
- R.H. Sin Poetry
- Raezel Cruz
- Raw letters
- Rayan Castro
- rayangct
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- research
- Ryan Flores
- Sargent Park
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- SceneCleaner
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- self portraits
- selfportrait 2
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- shots and angles
- Shots and Angles Video Edition
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- Stephen Kang
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- Term Two
- The Afro Child
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For this photo assignment we were tasked to do macro photography without actual macro lenses. We used a normal lens and to ...
For this assignment we were told to research about the parts and functions of all the parts on a dlsr. the purpose of this prjoe...
For our last assignment, we had to make a presentation broadcasting your life involving Sargent Park. I gathered some photos and videos I...
OUR STOP MOTION : Storyboard / Stop Motion We were assigned another stop motion assignment, but this time it was about making a diffe...
This presentation is based on our lives at Sargent Park. This is our final project for GCT for the rest of the year.
I created a photo essay with a few photoshopped photos to represent my life at Sargent Park. My creative writing piece is included in t...
For my final project for GCT, I decided to make a short video on "My life at Sargent Park" The video including many clips of ...
h ttp:// This assignment was about cre...
About me
- AliciaH
- Charles Panggat
- Eunice
- Fiona
- Francie
- JC Espiritu
- Jasmine 9-04
- Logan L
- Mr. H
- Ms Magalhaes
- Ryan
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Blog Archive
- Emily's Photoshop Assignment
- GCT Assignment: Stephen Kang
- Vince's Photoshop assignment 2016
- Hannah Keehns Photoshop Assignment 2016
- Photoshop Assignment_ Polaroid Collage By_Kobe McA...
- Arriane's This is Sargent Park
- This is Sargent Park by Jovinelle
- This is Sargent Park by Jasmine
- Portraits Part 1
- Sports Photos
- This is Sargent Park Alicia
- Photoshop Assignment - Applying Texture on Small V...
- Photoshop Assignment - Poly Art
- Jamie - Photoshop Effects Assignment
- Photoshop assignment-Puzzle pieces
- Photo Shop Assignment - Poly Art
- Photoshop Assignment- Making a Galaxy by Vincent
- This is Sargent Park By Jimmy
- This is Sargent Park
- Wow I am away again
- Miniature Photography
- This Is Sargent Park
- This is Sargent Park
- This is Sargent Park by Harbeck
- This is Sargent Park
- This is Sargent Park
- This Is Sargent Park
- This is Sargent Park by Fiona
- This Is Sargent Park Photo Essay by Reina
- This is Sargent Park Photo Essay
- Jimmy's R.H. Sin Poems
- CC Andy Warhol
- <!-- SnapWidget -->
- Alicia r.h sin
- Shot and Angle by Alicia
- Arriane's October POTD
- Getting To Know My DSLR ( Wakin:))) )
- October POTD
- Getting to know your DSLR
- Getting to know my DSLR
- R.h Sin Poetry
- Shots and Angles
- October Photo of the Day Challenge
- Dane's October Photo Of The Day
- Arriane's r.h. sin poetry
- Arriane's Getting To Know My DSLR
- Francie's Shots and Angles
- October Photo Of The Day By Ryan Flores
- r.h. sin poetry
- Andy Warhol Popart: Stephen
- Andy Warhol Pop Art
- Hannah Keehn's October Photos
- Savanna's Andy Warhol Pop art
- Hannah Keehn Andy Warhol Art
- October Photo Of The Day Challenge
- Andy Worhol
- Getting to Know My DSLR: Stefi
- OCTPOTD by Reina
- Getting to Know my DSLR by Reina
- Shots And Angles
- Shots and Angles by Reina
- R.h Sin Poetry
- Getting to know my dslr
- rayan castro oct potd
- Getting To Know My DSLR
- Jamie - Getting to Know My DSLR
- Kobe's Andy Warhol Pop Art Thingy
- October Photos Of The Day Emily
- Megan - Getting to Know My DSLR
- Sofronio's Andy Warhol
- Megan - Instagram Photo Of The Day Challenge
- Getting to Know My DSLR
- Andy Warhol
- Savanna's October Photo of The Day
- October Photo of The Day
- October Photo Of The Day by Vincent Maula
- @the_afro_child
- @TheAfroChild_Official (Instagram)
- #octpotdsp
- 30 Sec Commercial
- 30 sec. commercial
- Alicia
- alphabet book
- Alphabet Challenge
- Ana
- Andrei Aguilar
- Andy Warhol
- AndyWarhol
- AndyWarhol Art Work
- April
- Arriane
- assignment
- bethany balaktsis
- blogpost
- camera
- characteristic
- characteristics
- Charles Panggat
- christine ilagan
- cjthedj
- commerical
- Conner
- cropping
- Dane
- December Project
- done!
- Double Exposure
- Eggs
- Emily
- Eunice
- Final Assignment
- Final Project
- Fiona
- First Term
- Francie
- gab
- GCT 17
- GCT16
- GCT17
- Getting to Know My DLSR
- Getting to Know My DLSR+
- Getting to know my DSLR
- Getting to know your DSLR
- Group
- Guess What That's What
- Hannah
- Hannah Keehn
- Harbeck
- Harbeck.
- homework
- how to video
- Instagram Photo of the Day Challenge
- Isaiah
- Jamie
- Jasmine
- JC
- Jedo
- Jimmy
- Joanna 06
- Jovinelle Pimentel
- Julian
- Kobe
- Labels Photomerge
- Letters
- letters & numbers
- Letters and Numbers
- links
- Logan
- Lorniza juarez
- Macro
- Macro 2
- Macro Photography
- Macro2
- Magalhaes
- Magazine
- Magazine Cover
- Magelhaes
- Man Made Letters
- May
- Megan
- Meti
- MIguel Lingal
- Movie Poster
- Ms. Magalhaes
- My Life at Sargent Park
- October
- one minute
- one minute.
- Photo Dirty
- photo essay
- photo walk
- Photography
- Photomerge
- Photomerge SceneCleaner
- Photoshop
- Photoshop Assignment
- photoshop elements
- Photowalk
- Poem
- Pop Art
- Popart
- Portraits Part 2
- PostEdit
- r.h sin poetry
- R.H. Sin Poetry
- Raezel Cruz
- Raw letters
- Rayan Castro
- rayangct
- Reaserch
- reina
- research
- Ryan Flores
- Sargent Park
- Savanna
- SceneCleaner
- self portrait
- self portrait 2
- self portraits
- selfportrait 2
- shot and angle
- Shots and Angels
- shots and angles
- Shots and Angles Video Edition
- silence
- Sofronio
- Sophia Sosa
- sports photos
- SportsTV
- spsgct
- Stefi Remonte
- Stephen
- Stephen Kang
- Stop Motion
- storyboard
- Term Two
- The Afro Child
- This Is Sargent Park
- timelapse
- Vanessa Yalung. Ms. Magalhaes
- video
- Vince
- Vincent
- Vincent Maula
- Wakin P
- Wakin P
- Walk Photos
- Willy
- yearbook
Flickr Images
Popular Posts
For this photo assignment we were tasked to do macro photography without actual macro lenses. We used a normal lens and to ...
For this assignment we were told to research about the parts and functions of all the parts on a dlsr. the purpose of this prjoe...
For our last assignment, we had to make a presentation broadcasting your life involving Sargent Park. I gathered some photos and videos I...
OUR STOP MOTION : Storyboard / Stop Motion We were assigned another stop motion assignment, but this time it was about making a diffe...
This presentation is based on our lives at Sargent Park. This is our final project for GCT for the rest of the year.
I created a photo essay with a few photoshopped photos to represent my life at Sargent Park. My creative writing piece is included in t...
For my final project for GCT, I decided to make a short video on "My life at Sargent Park" The video including many clips of ...
h ttp:// This assignment was about cre...
Popular Posts
For this photo assignment we were tasked to do macro photography without actual macro lenses. We used a normal lens and to ...
For this assignment we were told to research about the parts and functions of all the parts on a dlsr. the purpose of this prjoe...
For our last assignment, we had to make a presentation broadcasting your life involving Sargent Park. I gathered some photos and videos I...
OUR STOP MOTION : Storyboard / Stop Motion We were assigned another stop motion assignment, but this time it was about making a diffe...
This presentation is based on our lives at Sargent Park. This is our final project for GCT for the rest of the year.
I created a photo essay with a few photoshopped photos to represent my life at Sargent Park. My creative writing piece is included in t...
For my final project for GCT, I decided to make a short video on "My life at Sargent Park" The video including many clips of ...
h ttp:// This assignment was about cre...
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