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For this photo assignment we were tasked to do macro photography without actual macro lenses. We used a normal lens and to ...
For this assignment we were told to research about the parts and functions of all the parts on a dlsr. the purpose of this prjoe...
For our last assignment, we had to make a presentation broadcasting your life involving Sargent Park. I gathered some photos and videos I...
OUR STOP MOTION : Storyboard / Stop Motion We were assigned another stop motion assignment, but this time it was about making a diffe...
This is a stop motion about littering, made by Julian, Andrei, and Sofronio. Music: Sad Day - Bensound
For my final project for GCT, I decided to make a short video on "My life at Sargent Park" The video including many clips of ...
This presentation is based on our lives at Sargent Park. This is our final project for GCT for the rest of the year.
h ttp:// This assignment was about cre...
About me
- AliciaH
- Charles Panggat
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- Jasmine 9-04
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- Emily's Photoshop Assignment
- GCT Assignment: Stephen Kang
- Vince's Photoshop assignment 2016
- Hannah Keehns Photoshop Assignment 2016
- Photoshop Assignment_ Polaroid Collage By_Kobe McA...
- Arriane's This is Sargent Park
- This is Sargent Park by Jovinelle
- This is Sargent Park by Jasmine
- Portraits Part 1
- Sports Photos
- This is Sargent Park Alicia
- Photoshop Assignment - Applying Texture on Small V...
- Photoshop Assignment - Poly Art
- Jamie - Photoshop Effects Assignment
- Photoshop assignment-Puzzle pieces
- Photo Shop Assignment - Poly Art
- Photoshop Assignment- Making a Galaxy by Vincent
- This is Sargent Park By Jimmy
- This is Sargent Park
- Wow I am away again
- Miniature Photography
- This Is Sargent Park
- This is Sargent Park
- This is Sargent Park by Harbeck
- This is Sargent Park
- This is Sargent Park
- This Is Sargent Park
- This is Sargent Park by Fiona
- This Is Sargent Park Photo Essay by Reina
- This is Sargent Park Photo Essay
- Jimmy's R.H. Sin Poems
- CC Andy Warhol
- <!-- SnapWidget -->
- Alicia r.h sin
- Shot and Angle by Alicia
- Arriane's October POTD
- Getting To Know My DSLR ( Wakin:))) )
- October POTD
- Getting to know your DSLR
- Getting to know my DSLR
- R.h Sin Poetry
- Shots and Angles
- October Photo of the Day Challenge
- Dane's October Photo Of The Day
- Arriane's r.h. sin poetry
- Arriane's Getting To Know My DSLR
- Francie's Shots and Angles
- October Photo Of The Day By Ryan Flores
- r.h. sin poetry
- Andy Warhol Popart: Stephen
- Andy Warhol Pop Art
- Hannah Keehn's October Photos
- Savanna's Andy Warhol Pop art
- Hannah Keehn Andy Warhol Art
- October Photo Of The Day Challenge
- Andy Worhol
- Getting to Know My DSLR: Stefi
- OCTPOTD by Reina
- Getting to Know my DSLR by Reina
- Shots And Angles
- Shots and Angles by Reina
- R.h Sin Poetry
- Getting to know my dslr
- rayan castro oct potd
- Getting To Know My DSLR
- Jamie - Getting to Know My DSLR
- Kobe's Andy Warhol Pop Art Thingy
- October Photos Of The Day Emily
- Megan - Getting to Know My DSLR
- Sofronio's Andy Warhol
- Megan - Instagram Photo Of The Day Challenge
- Getting to Know My DSLR
- Andy Warhol
- Savanna's October Photo of The Day
- October Photo of The Day
- October Photo Of The Day by Vincent Maula
- @the_afro_child
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- 30 sec. commercial
- Alicia
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- Andrei Aguilar
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- AndyWarhol
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- Charles Panggat
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- Final Assignment
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- First Term
- Francie
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- GCT17
- Getting to Know My DLSR
- Getting to Know My DLSR+
- Getting to know my DSLR
- Getting to know your DSLR
- Group
- Guess What That's What
- Hannah
- Hannah Keehn
- Harbeck
- Harbeck.
- homework
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- Joanna 06
- Jovinelle Pimentel
- Julian
- Kobe
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- Lorniza juarez
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- Meti
- MIguel Lingal
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- October
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- Photography
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- Photomerge SceneCleaner
- Photoshop
- Photoshop Assignment
- photoshop elements
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- Portraits Part 2
- PostEdit
- r.h sin poetry
- R.H. Sin Poetry
- Raezel Cruz
- Raw letters
- Rayan Castro
- rayangct
- Reaserch
- reina
- research
- Ryan Flores
- Sargent Park
- Savanna
- SceneCleaner
- self portrait
- self portrait 2
- self portraits
- selfportrait 2
- shot and angle
- Shots and Angels
- shots and angles
- Shots and Angles Video Edition
- silence
- Sofronio
- Sophia Sosa
- sports photos
- SportsTV
- spsgct
- Stefi Remonte
- Stephen
- Stephen Kang
- Stop Motion
- storyboard
- Term Two
- The Afro Child
- This Is Sargent Park
- timelapse
- Vanessa Yalung. Ms. Magalhaes
- video
- Vince
- Vincent
- Vincent Maula
- Wakin P
- Wakin P
- Walk Photos
- Willy
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Flickr Images
Popular Posts
For this photo assignment we were tasked to do macro photography without actual macro lenses. We used a normal lens and to ...
For this assignment we were told to research about the parts and functions of all the parts on a dlsr. the purpose of this prjoe...
For our last assignment, we had to make a presentation broadcasting your life involving Sargent Park. I gathered some photos and videos I...
OUR STOP MOTION : Storyboard / Stop Motion We were assigned another stop motion assignment, but this time it was about making a diffe...
This is a stop motion about littering, made by Julian, Andrei, and Sofronio. Music: Sad Day - Bensound
For my final project for GCT, I decided to make a short video on "My life at Sargent Park" The video including many clips of ...
This presentation is based on our lives at Sargent Park. This is our final project for GCT for the rest of the year.
h ttp:// This assignment was about cre...
Popular Posts
For this photo assignment we were tasked to do macro photography without actual macro lenses. We used a normal lens and to ...
For this assignment we were told to research about the parts and functions of all the parts on a dlsr. the purpose of this prjoe...
For our last assignment, we had to make a presentation broadcasting your life involving Sargent Park. I gathered some photos and videos I...
OUR STOP MOTION : Storyboard / Stop Motion We were assigned another stop motion assignment, but this time it was about making a diffe...
This is a stop motion about littering, made by Julian, Andrei, and Sofronio. Music: Sad Day - Bensound
For my final project for GCT, I decided to make a short video on "My life at Sargent Park" The video including many clips of ...
This presentation is based on our lives at Sargent Park. This is our final project for GCT for the rest of the year.
h ttp:// This assignment was about cre...
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