Letters and Numbers Slide Deck Instructions
Here are the instructions for your Letters and number assignment.
- Have a post with the snapwidget showing all letters and digits manmade and raw.
- Have a slide deck with the letters one per sheet (there should be 4 rows of 7)
- One slide has a picture of each letter so it is a total Alphabet. Please leave the first and last letter blank. Then move the first row and last row to center properly on the page.
- Title the post Letters and Numbers Slide Deck
- Label the post letters & numbers, Harbeck, cropping,
The more you do the better your mark. Minimum in this slide deck is 40 sides. Make sure to have everything you need. See me if you do not understand.
Batch Converting
In Irfanview please batch convert your square cropped images to 3 by 3 inch squares. Up the DPI to 300.
The library computers all have Irfanview that works. Batch converting them is an important step in making good slides for this presentation.
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