First Term Marks
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What does a blog post look like. How do I get marks for assignments. Let me fill you in on a few things.
Every blog post should have the proper title and labels. Labels always include your teacher, your blogger name, and anything else I have asked to be attached as a label.
Every blog post should start off with a image that you are allowed to use. You should always reference where you found it by including the URL.
You should also give a brief description in writing under the picture about what this assignment is about.(3-5 sentences)
After this you can embed anything that is needed to show that the assignment is done. Usually this will be a Google Slide Presentation.
Assignments due this term are
- Shots and Angles
- Getting to know my DSLR
- October POTD (not published but saved)
- rh Sin Poetry Assignment
Each of these assignments need to have a dedicated blog post, and be completed by November 2 2016.
Thank you for your support.
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