First Term Marks

8:52 AM Mr. H 0 Comments

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What does a blog post look like.  How do I get marks for assignments.  Let me fill you in on a few things.

Every blog post should have the proper title and labels.  Labels always include your teacher, your blogger name, and anything else I have asked to be attached as a label.

Every blog post should start off with a image that you are allowed to use.  You should always reference where you found it by including the URL.

You should also give a brief description in writing under the picture about what this assignment is about.(3-5 sentences)

After this you can embed anything that is needed to show that the assignment is done. Usually this will be a Google Slide Presentation.

Assignments due this term are

  1. Shots and Angles
  2. Getting to know my DSLR
  3. October POTD (not published but saved)
  4. rh Sin Poetry Assignment
Each of these assignments need to have a dedicated blog post, and be completed by November 2 2016. 

Thank you for your support.